Loomis Ladies
Loomis Ladies meets once a month during the school year for a time of food, fellowship, and prayer. The purpose of this group is for the ladies of LPBC to connect, grow, and encourage.

Sisters in Christ
Sisters in Christ meets twice a year. At this meeting, they trade names and privately pray for and encourage that person throughout the next portion of the year. This is a great opportunity to show love to another sister in Christ.

Men and Boys Prayer Breakfast
The men and boys of LPBC meet once a month to enjoy a breakfast together. This is a time of prayer and fellowship. One of the seasoned men in the church encourage the men with a short devotional.

Mens and Ladies Softball Teams
Each year during the summer, the men and ladies of Loomis play softball in a local league. This is a great time of fellowship for the teens and adults of our church.

Adopt a Cop Program
Our church families, who choose to be a part of this program, adopt a trooper for our local State Trooper Post. They commit to pray for this trooper. Throughout the year, they work together to provide encouraging gifts to these troopers.

Soulwinning and Visitation
Once a week, a group gathers to go out and give the good news of the gospel and visit those who need encouragement.